
雑多記録:英語忘備録, シニアライフに向けた習慣作り、ダイエット、クラシックギタービギナー、and more…

Habit building for a healthy senior life

[words and phrases] 

to act on habits 

a four-story office building

to dissuade people. 

They just stuck with it.

utensils: 家庭用品

"'Friction'- barriers to performing a behavior. Distance, time, and effort are all friction.

Friction is really important in determining what behaviors we repeat, and so what behaviors become a habit. We think we go to the gym because we're concerned about fitness, we're determined, and we exert willpower. "

"our habits help give us meaning in life." 


've been skimming through or listening to Big Think podcast for quite a while, but I didn't know all articles are provided with audio! This is amazing!! I've tried several media or blogs to find out the good articles to learn English, but so far I couldn't find the one I feel like using every day. Some are too easy or too difficult, and others don't have audio. 

I think articles in Big Think are just right for me; the topics are insightful and intriguing, new articles are frequently updated, and there are appropriate amounts of unfamiliar words for me in each article. 

Additionally, I happen to read an article about habit making. I believe how well you can make a good habit holds the key to a blissful and healthy senior life. The article briefly explains the benefit to make a new having. This new challenge of blog writing in English makes a good start for building a new habit.