
雑多記録:英語忘備録, シニアライフに向けた習慣作り、ダイエット、クラシックギタービギナー、and more…

Moji 発見

There is a word "RealMoji" in the article. It seems the word is a coined one, like emoji, originating in a Japanese word, 文字. The app has been gaining a huge audience, mostly young people, from the start. What makes the app different from others is that you are urged to share a picture at different times, which you have no way to tell when the notice comes, and what is more, you have only two minutes to upload a picture. This way, users will end up showing a picture of their real selves with no effects or editing. 

Well, it's difficult for me to understand why young people are so eager to share the moments of their lives. I wish I would have as much time I can use for nothing as they can. See, it's already time to prepare for dinner. Time flies…